Pennsylvania Concealed Carry CCW Laws and Information

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5 Responses to Pennsylvania Concealed Carry CCW Laws and Information

    I need a copy of laws to carry and are you permitted to strap a gun on your side in plain view or only if it is concealed on you.

    • Xhei says:

      The unspoken prbolem, one that I’m certain she is well aware of, is that even without that permit, she could still carry that firearm into all of those places.The permit just makes it “legal”. If her intent is to shoot the place up, what does she care if she’s carrying it legally or not?They know this. They *have* to know this.It’s a prelude to banning ownership – because if you can’t trust someone with a permit, you can’t trust them to own a gun, period. They know this. They *have* to know this.They’re on the losing end of history. More and more states allow concealed carry; some open carry; they are down to one state with no provision and the vast majority of states are now “shall issue”. They’re losing this battle. They know this. They *have* to know this.And yet they still, with depressing regularity, produce these idiotic hit pieces that show that, yes, if you are willing to break the law, you can get things you otherwise shouldn’t have.Um? Dur?Yosemite Sam hit the nail on the head. The Globe’s big deal was that this reporter was able to go to another state and make a straw purchased. Um? Dur? What’s the difference, legality-wise, between doing that (Federal Crime) and buying a stolen gun out of the trunk of a car?It can’t possibly be that they’re honestly afraid of the wrong people getting guns. The nightly news is *FILLED* with stories of gangbangers, teens, etc. who have guns. Keeping firearms out of the hands of folks what shouldn’t have them isn’t working – yet the response from the johnny-one-note media is “ZOMG LOOK HOW EASY IT IS TO GET TEH PERMITSZZZ!!!”???They know this. They *have* to know this.

    • Weendy says:

      permit. Either works, as long as they HAVE to give you the permit after you have daernstomted that you are a reasonable human being. I suspect that prodominantly rural and/or conservative states where firearms ownership is the norm don’t need as much prep work done to keep their liberal minority palliated. In suburban dominated Connecticut, the still pretty reasonable requirements serve to keep the media and loons off our backs. When they start up, we just ask them “was it a permit holder or a gangbanger with a black market Mamba?” I will say that I have seen better gun handling skills among Connecticut permit or hunting license holders that I saw in Vermont, and firearms accidents are lower among folks with some training. Connecticut gets less than one fatal accidental discharge a decade among hunters nowadays. Back in High School in the 60’s, pre mandatory training, I lost a classmenber in my junior year to a hunting accident, and another in my senior year. So I’m happy with what I have now, and I would be happy with nothing at all in Vermont, although a bit edgier in the parking lot of the Sportsman’s Lounge down on Canal Street in Brat, with dozens of flat out drunk “hunters” showing each other the usually loaded rifles they had been carrying all day along with the dead deer in the back of their pickups.

  2. Sarv says:

    A couple short rules to walk around by….
    Without a CCW Permit in PA;
    a) You may carry any firearm in an “open carry” view on your person.
    b) You may not carry in any vehicle openly, you must disarm yourself and separate the firearm from the ammunition in two places.
    c) You cannot open carry in any class 1 city. Philadelphia is the only Pa city.

    With a CCW permit in PA;
    a) You may conceal and or open carry your firearms as you see the need including a vehicle.
    b) You may open carry in a class 1 city(Philadelphia, Pa)
    c) You also get over 20 other states that reciprocate with PA conceal laws and extends you ability to carry concealed legal to other states.

    !! in nocase can you carry on school property or federal property. There are a lot of regulations to the federal property law.please take a class and become educated on responsible firearm carry !!

    This is only the icebergs tip. Read up and stay safe!!

    Chapter 61:

  3. Mark says:

    Does anyone know where in the Washington, PA area can I find a CCW class?

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