Governor Tom Corbett has signed Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine legislation into law

Governor Tom Corbett has signed Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine legislation into law and our very own Chris Smith is there for the signing along with several others representing Firearm Owners Against CrimeFOAC was very instrumental in getting this bill passed.

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3 Responses to Governor Tom Corbett has signed Pennsylvania Castle Doctrine legislation into law

  1. Jerry says:

    Will someone knowledgeable please post at least an outline of the law for us to view? I’ve picked up bits and pieces of what is covered under the law from various news articles as it was being debated and processed, but nothing final and comprehensive. Thanx!

  2. Jerry says:

    Thanx! You can’t get any more comprehensive than posting the entire bill. The biggest kicker of this law, in my view, is that you are immune from being sued if you are found (criminally) in compliance with the law.

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